Man a cat can fall from a tree and if the world finds out they will hype that shit up like the cat was talking or something. The public and media are the hype man for anything. He started to lose games, lost a couple endorsements(meaning loss in money-_-), lost fans, got hurt, hurt others, just felt like everything was tumbling down on him at once. Tiger woods life was put on blast so much that yes it interfered with this mans game. Just a male version of a thot! As a nation we hold athletes to such high standards, and forget that they are normal people with the same issues and problems like us. I honestly don't care man, if you want to go around having sex with all these other women, do you. Chris Brown was right, these hoes aint loyal lol. I swore that part of your life was supposed to be confidential. Like seriously we are all that interested in this mans sex life. Bruh the first time I heard the story about Tiger Woods I died laughing. I mean take a look at Tiger Woods and his infidelity, people cheat ALL THE TIME bruh so it makes him different because of his name? When you become famous you are not only a business man and athlete, but alsoĪ role model and must realize this as well. So why is the way they live their lives broadcast in such demeaning manors? No none of these men are perfect but I also believe that athletes deserve privacy and to be treated just as you and I are. We tend to look at athletes like they are different from us, when the only thing separating them from us is, MONEY! Athletes are normal people just like you and I. Yeah you get money from your contract but in fact all the money comes from your endorsements and your image.
#In my shoes lor scoota lyrics professional
Being a professional athlete requires you to have acknowledge and insight into being a business man.

Take a look at all the people in the collage, all different types of athletes from soccer, track, football, golf, basketball, to football, all different sports with one thing in common: Businessmen. Now we look at all of them and see just an athlete but there is so much more to it than just the sport.